Spirit would have us see the "story" of life. ...so that we have a perspective view. ...to see the Past, Present, and the Future.
To learn from our mistakes. ..and share the lessons we have learned from others. ..we become humble. ..not arrogant, we watch what we say....because we know the laws of the Universe. ..what you send out. .you get back. ..the negative use of the Ego makes us feel like we are victims in life. ..and life is a battleground against Him-Her, Me-It, I'm right. ..you are wrong.
The negative EGO embarks upon a constant "battle", instead of understanding that everything that happens in life is teaching a lesson. ..a challenge, and a opportunity to grow. ..the negative EGO takes "pictures "....and can only see the "moment".
The Ego sees the letter. ..Spirit sees the word. ..Ego sees the word. .Spirit sees the sentence. ..Ego sees the sentence....Spirit sees the paragraph. .Ego sees the paragraph. .Spirit sees the page. ..Ego sees the page. .Spirit sees the chapter. .Ego sees the chapter. .Spirit sees the whole book! !!!!
THE BOOK OF LIFE! !!!!!...