On the breath. ..Breathing is a sacred language.
Every moment of our lives from birth to death is defined by our breathing. When breathing stops. ..our life stops.
Our breath reflects how we feel, how we relate. ..our breath regulates our emotions, fear, anger, depression, anxiety, laughing, joy. .everything we think and perceive is influenced by the breath...the breath alters our state of consciousness. ....the breath speaks about life and death. ..when we took our first "breath" coming out of the Womb of our Mother. ..we announced to the world that we have "arrived "and "alive"...when we stop breathing we inform the world of our "departure"...the soul leaves the physical plane and the "breath" says goodbye for now. .."SPIRIT" in many languages means BREATH! ...TAKE DEEP BREATHS EVERYDAY AND CONNECT WITH THE "OBSERVER "....THE SPIRIT WITHIN YOU! for those who can hear!